Commander in Cheat: How Golf Explains Trump by Rick Reilly
/“It’s not so much the promises Trump breaks or the lies he tells, it’s the sheer volume of them.”
Read MoreAn Arts & Literature Review
“It’s not so much the promises Trump breaks or the lies he tells, it’s the sheer volume of them.”
Read MoreTruth is often stranger than fiction, particularly when inspired by it.
Read MoreThis author is well-practiced at conveying vast amounts of complex scientific information in a smooth and accessible narration.
Read MoreThe clear animating force of the book is the author’s worry that all the behind-the-scenes labors of his friends and colleagues over the years have been summarily invalidated.
Read MoreA living, breathing reminder of how popular baby alligators have always been as pets.
Read MoreA timely look at an epic realignment in American political history.
Read MoreA damning portrait not only of callous Soviet bureaucracy but also of the shocking complicity of international regulatory bodies.
Read MoreA “storybook for bird lovers” organized by season and general type of birding experience.
Read MoreOne of the most charming, offbeat biographies to appear in years.
Read MoreThis study covers an enormous amount of research in only a little more than 100 pages.
Read MoreA Clark Kent still going to high school and hanging out with his football team buddies is clearly a Super-boy.
Read MoreThis untold story narrative attempts to explore the ‘misunderstood’ Wallis Simpson.
Read MoreEnjoy this unexpected treat: a new stand-alone translation of the 40-page biography of Leonardo by Florentine artist and architect Giorgio Vasari.
Read MoreA terrifically detailed and invigorating account of a very complicated woman.
Read MoreThe Border feels like it might be too quick on the trigger in its portrait of the present day, however riveting that portrait may be.
Read MoreIt’s a testament to Amy Greenberg’s narrative abilities that the years after Sarah’s bereavement are every bit as interesting as the years of power.
Read MoreA big, bouncily-written biography of Bess, the Countess of Shrewsbury—a fascinating figure from the era.
Read MoreThis is the eight book in the Gray Man series, but this author is a well-seasoned professional, bringing new readers up to speed quickly and invisibly.
Read MoreMackay’s intensely painstaking excavation of what life was like for an infamous set of Tudor courtiers is eye-opening.
Read MoreAn arts and literature review.
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